Collaborating across Cultures to advance Hispanic communities in South Carolina.

The Hispanic Alliance convenes the largest collaborative network working to advance Hispanic communities in the Upstate. Created from and for collaboration, our organization is consistently building a bridge of communication and understanding between Hispanics & the broader community.

With the mission of fostering collaboration and connectivity among people, resources, and cultures to build thriving communities, the Hispanic Alliance envisions a vibrant and inclusive community where everyone has access to opportunities for success and prosperity.

Our organization is nonpartisan and is a faithful advocate for diversity, equality, acceptance, and understanding. Our network advocates particularly for those who have left their countries behind – as well as their families, friends, and culture – to pursue better opportunities for their children, just like previous generations did.

Get the Summary of Allied4Health

Learn more about the research findings of healthcare needs in the Hispanic community and from a moderated panel discussion surrounding the resources being developed to address quality of care, ethnic disparities, and advocate for health equity for all residents in South Carolina.

Providing Resources for Communities in South Carolina

Everyone deserves equal access
to quality of life.

The Hispanic Alliance connects individuals to quality resource providers in the Upstate and communities across South Carolina. With nearly 18% of the population having a Hispanic heritage, we are paving a path to equality.

Celebrating Diversity of Culture

Diversity of thought makes us stronger.

We celebrate the myriad of cultures within Spanish-speaking countries.  We elevate the contributions of Hispanic and Latin Americans to our quality of life. 

Building a Brighter Future for us all

We invest in a shared future of inclusion.

We build trust with Hispanic communities by speaking their languages, promoting their cultures, and understanding and addressing their needs. We help our partner agencies serve the local Hispanic population in a culturally, linguistically, and socially appropriate way.

Your donation builds equality.

Make your tax-deductible gift to the Hispanic Alliance today!

The Statistics

A Story of Deficits & Barriers to Prosperity

The Hispanic Alliance and its partners have made great headway in its first decade but there is still more work to be done.

The Hispanic community in SC still lags behind in education, economic, & health outcomes. The inextricable relationship among poverty, race, education, wealth and health are evidenced by recent data at the local level.

Help us build an inclusive Palmetto State.

Median Income

The median income for Hispanic families is approximately $48,000 compared to $71,000 for White households.

Equity in Education

Only 66% of the Hispanic population holds a high school diploma compared to 91% of the population in South Carolina.

Post-Secondary Education

19.5% of Hispanic community members have a bachelor’s degree or higher, compared to 42% of White community members

Health Barriers

42% of Hispanic residents in Greenville report some form of interpretative service barrier to quality healthcare, with 49.7% noting that office visits were delayed due to waiting for interpretation services.

Health Insurance

61% of Hispanics in Greenville lack any Health Insurance

Language Access

63% of agencies in SC do not have a language access plan, while 59% of agencies solely provide resources in English.

Language Obstacles

87% of those whose children have no health insurance rated their English as “poor” or “average.”

Be a force for equity.


of adults under 25 hold a degree


Total Household Income


of Hispanic population below the age of 19

We Advocate for Systems Change Across South Carolina

One of our key strengths is building a broad platform for change through collaboration across view points, ideologies, and cultures. We build the collective capacity of our community to connect with resources, become aware of their rights and opportunities, and advocate for their needs.

Our Community Teams drive our mission forward

For over a decade, our community teams have provided space for innovation & connection to community. We are creating an ecosystem of equity so that future generations have a stronger foundation on which to build.

To learn more about a community team or to get involved, click an icon below.

Most Recent News

2023 Annual Report
Jul 9, 2024
Our Mission. Our Impact. Our Best Moments as a Community in 2023.
Instagram POST - CW
Citizenship Workshop 2024
Jun 20, 2024
The Legal Team of the Hispanic Alliance is excited to host our Citizenship Workshop on Saturday, August 10th in Greenville. This workshop is open to...
May 29, 2024
An unveiling of research findings of healthcare needs in the Hispanic community and conversation surrounding the resources being developed to address quality of care, ethnic...

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