Greenville County is located in the upstate region of South Carolina, with the largest county-wide population in the state. The City of Greenville, the seat of the County, is known nationwide as a welcoming destination for people from all backgrounds. While Greenville County ranks as one of the healthiest counties in South Carolina, racial disparities exist along racial/ethnic lines.
The Greenville Hispanic Health Study, a collaboration between Bon Secours St. Francis Health System, Clemson University, Piedmont Health Foundation & the Hispanic Alliance, examined mental health, routine healthcare seeking behaviors, and perceptions of culturally competent care among residents who self-identified as Hispanic living in Greenville County. The partners sought to understand the broader experiences of Hispanics residents in Greenville County, as they are often under-represented in county-wide equity and health needs assessments.
Download our Full Presentation and share it with healthcare providers, educators, and policymakers to drive meaningful change. Invite team members to the Hispanic Alliance to present to your organization by sending an email to [email protected].
We encourage all inviduals to take an active role in community advocacy. Whether you are starting your advocacy journey or are a seasoned campaigner, a great next step is to contact your local lawmakers.
Hispanic Alliance seeks to elevate of the voice of the Hispanic community and to increase understanding of policy issues, challenges, and concerns. We strive to be non-partisan and non-polarizing while speaking out firmly. Our positions are formed upon research, seeking equity through multicultural collaboration, and a compassionate stance toward the needs and dreams common to humanity. We invite the community to join us as we learn about the needs of others, and work to make the American Dream accessible to everyone.
The Hispanic community in SC still lags behind in education, economic, & health outcomes. The inextricable relationship among poverty, race, education, wealth and health are evidenced by recent data at the local level.
We invite you to know the current state of the Hispanic population in South Carolina. Discover the challenges, barriers, and opportunities for us to build a stronger South Carolina, where diversity is celebrated and all residents have equitable access to quality of life.
Only 66% of the Hispanic population holds a high school diploma compared to 91% of the population in South Carolina.
33% of the Hispanic population in South Carolina is below the age of 19
19.5% of Hispanic community members have a bachelor’s degree or higher, compared to 42% of White community members
61% of Hispanics in Greenville lack any Health Insurance
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