Thanks to generous donors like you, we have raised $18,375 so far to support Dreamers and their families in Greenville. Join us in investing in the next generation of leaders this holiday season—help us reach our $20,000 goal!
I was born in Mexico, near the border. At age three, my parents brought me and my two sisters to South Carolina. My mom left with my little sister for Texas when I was eight, and I have not lived with her since. After that, I lived with my dad and my grandmother, and eventually, my two sisters. Last year though, we had to leave my dad because it wasn’t safe to live with him.
DSS placed us together, but things have never lasted long. For the time being I am living with my best friend. Being on my own, I have learned to be in “survival mode.” Even if everything gets taken away from me, I need to learn to move on in life. At Berea High, I am a Junior, and on track to graduate a year early.
DACA was a lost opportunity for me. I did qualify, but financially, I didn’t have the support, and now, they are not accepting new applicants.
Because I am invisible in the US, there are a lot of things that are out of my reach.
I can’t get a drivers’ license, get a job legally, go to a public college in SC, or get certain scholarships or financial aid—it’s really discouraging. It was through my older sister that I heard about the Student DREAMers Alliance.
I love SDA! Every time we’re there it brings out a different side of us. We’re all young but we have a mature mindset. Since first grade, I have wanted to go to law school, and be a lawyer. SDA has made planning for my future a lot easier. They have provided me with the resources and support that I need. It’s a really awesome program!
“I’ve always wanted someone to be there to support me. Now I have many people! I have learned a lot of self-appreciation and self-love.”
I feel like I have a powerful story, so I would like to get it out to more people. I’ve had a lot of bad experiences, but no matter how bad it gets, there’s always something positive that you get out of it. I cherish what I have.

Greenville County Schools, Board of Trustees
Neil and I have been extremely fortunate to have received top quality education. As attorneys and board members of the school district and Public Education Partners, we firmly believe it is our moral and civic obligation to ensure that every child can pursue their dreams at all educational levels. That’s why we established the scholarship fund at Hispanic Alliance for our South Carolina Dreamers. When we met the young people at Student Dreamers Alliance, we learned about their struggles and their determination to receive the same educational opportunities many of us take for granted. Helping these kids, and encouraging others to support them is simply the right thing to do. Rarely, do we have the privilege of providing so much hope for children so deserving.