Sevilla, Spain

Avery Haan

Kindness | Compassion | Forgiveness

Marketing & Outreach Intern

Avery Haan is a rising senior at Anderson University double majoring in Writing & Digital Studies and Spanish. Her passion for linguistics stems from her passion for people, as she wants to use her Spanish to connect with the Hispanic community. She has been learning Spanish for most of her life and is always eager to practice. 

She also hopes to use her affinity for writing to further the reach of the Hispanic Alliance and its mission. As a Writing Center tutor in school, she is well equipped to curate marketing materials and refine them before publication. As a Greenville native, she has a heart for helping the community here. Her goal is for the Hispanic community in her hometown to be loved well and ushered into a supportive network.

At home, she loves getting involved with her church, Downtown Presbyterian Church. At school, she is heavily involved with Reformed University Fellowship, a campus ministry, and is a recent member of Sigma Delta Pi, a Spanish honor society. After graduation, she plans to continue her nonprofit career and enact positive change in her community.

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