
Equal Access to higher education
Strategic Goal #1
Increase high school graduation rate for Hispanic youth.
Strategic Goal #2
Build collaborations with local institutions of higher education to increase Hispanic enrollment and graduation.

Team Meetings are held on the Third Thursday at 4pm

Annual Education Fair

Capstone Project

The Hispanic Alliance Education Fair, organized and executed by the Education Team, is a unique event to Greenville, gathering over 12 institutions of higher education, numerous community resource representatives, and multiple workshop, all targeted at the needs of Hispanic students and their families. The event is equipped with interpreters to eliminate language barriers, special presentations for students with DACA status, and bilingual workshops addressing the most common barriers to college for Hispanic students.

Lunch & Learns

Ongoing Impact
A Lunch and Learn session is a condensed method of providing a wealth of resources for academic success and higher education to Hispanic high school students. They are attended by a diverse group of volunteers from the Education Team, eager to share personal stories of perseverance and success in their education journeys. Hundreds of times over, our team members have given students, a word of hope, a path forward, and a hand to hold as they pursue their dreams.

Get Involved

Would you like to learn more about the Education Fair or join us at a Lunch & Learn? Do you want to drop in at one of the upcoming monthly Education Team meetings?

Need Resources?

We can connect you to what you need. View our Education Resources or check out our Community Resource Guide for a comprehensive list of all HA Network Service Providers available.

Education Team Leadership

How can a group of busy professionals reach nearly 400 Hispanic students from 8 different high schools in one year? It can only be done as a team effort. One of the team’s strengths is finding creative ways for anyone with a willing heart to be involved!

Carolina Van De Voorde, LMSW

Education Team Chair

Benedicte Axboe

Education Team Co-chair

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You may unsubscribe at any time by clicking the link at the bottom of any Hispanic Alliance newsletter.